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We are once again supporting Red Nose Day at Belmont today! Our children are already having lots of fun and raised an incredible £342.25

Thank you to our families for your continued support with our chosen charities!

In line with our Spring 2 topic ‘The United Kingdom’ and Summer 1 fieldwork topic, our Year 3 children went to Greenwich Park to attend an all day activity provided by the Field Studies Council (FSC). Unfortunately the weather was not on our side and it was very wet (!) but they persevered and had a fantastic day. They explored the local area using maps and compass skills and learned about the impact of people on the habitat using a range of fieldwork techniques.

Some of our Year 4 children participated in a Speed Stacking festival at Upland Primary this week. Our children really enjoyed themselves and said it was great to do something different and new! A great afternoon out for the Belmont Academy team!

We celebrated World Book Day on Friday 3rd March.  We held a non uniform day and asked children to design their own t-shirts to celebrate their favourite texts/authors. Some of our children decided to wear costumes that they had at home.  We thought they all looked wonderful and were very impressed by their creativity!  We raised £230.67 for us to purchase some new books - we are delighted!  Thank you to you all for your generosity.


Each year group also studied the text ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse ’by Charlie Mackesy and produced a range of reading and writing outcomes.

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